A NORTH Cumbrian golf club has submitted plans to redevelop the existing clubhouse, with the work aiming to provide both economic and social value to the club's community.

Plans have been lodged for proposed works to the clubhouse at Brampton Golf Club on Tarn Road, including over-night guest accommodation, provision of a first floor function room, installation of solar panels, extensions to the furniture store and plant room, electric vehicle parking bays, and associated infrastructure.

The current proposal involves re-configuring the existing floorspace to provide six guest rooms, as well as the 'formalisation' of a current overflow area to create 30 new car parking spaces.

The plans look set to 'support a strong, vibrant, and healthy community' around the club and support the growth of the economy around the golf club.

In papers supporting the plans, the applicant said: "It will bring economic benefits to the area associated with those using the guest accommodation.

"At a social level, it will help to sustain a popular local recreation facility that benefits the health and welfare of the community it serves."