A VETERANS' lunch club recently received a £500 charitable donation from Sellafield Ltd ahead of their 'extra special' Christmas lunch. 

The monthly lunches are organised by Cumbria’s Museum of Military Life, based within Carlisle Castle, and are open to all veterans.

Every December, the lunch has a more festive feel with a traditional Christmas lunch prepared and cooked by former military chef Daniel Winthrop and served to attendees by staff and volunteers.

This annual event is open to 70 veterans.

This year the lunch takes place on Monday, December 11. 

Former King’s Own Border veteran Dave Thompson said: "We regularly attend the monthly lunches, but the Christmas lunch is extra special.

"It’s a great opportunity to connect with other veterans," he said. 

The museum has held these lunches since 2018, albeit with a short break during lockdowns.

WRAF veteran Theresa Hewitt said: "The traditional lunch is fantastic.

"The museum does a great job in organising the Christmas lunch.

"It allows us to come together and share the military banter no matter who you have served with or when you served," she said. 

Despite a break during lockdown, in December 2020 the museum still managed to organise Christmas bags for around 200 veterans in Carlisle and West Cumbria. 

The monthly lunches are subsidised by donations and financial support, although there is a small charge for those attending.

The next lunch will be held on Monday 15 January 2024.

The lunches are open to all veterans, but tickets must be booked beforehand as space is limited.

Jules Wooding, museum manager said: “Christmas is a time when we focus on family and the veterans are all part of a military family.

"The museum provides a supportive environment for veterans to come together, and Sellafield’s donation is very welcome to help us organise and deliver the annual Christmas lunch for our veteran community," she said. 

If you are interested in attending, contact Jules on jules.wooding@cmoml.org